Saturday 13 August 2011

Ecoparadise Antioxidant Hot Bed Therapy @ The Gardens, Midvalley

The Hot Bed therapy provides antioxidant-enriched air to customers in heated rooms, resulting in relaxation, improved blood circulation, a better metabolism rate, and a host of other benefits! Ecoparaside are the pioneers of this revolutionary technology from Japan. Basically it’s something like sauna/steam bath but the difference is, the heat is coming from the floor, and that’s where you’ll lay down. They will provide you a bottle of drink water that you need to drink to compensate for the loss liquid of the body.
Heat, though, definitely isn't what draws over 150 people to the spa each day. Instead, they come to breathe in the air or more specifically, antioxidant partials in the air. These enzymes curb cell damage by reducing the formation of free radicals. Pollution, tobacco smoke, stressful lifestyles and unhealthy diets aggravate the natural tendency to form free radicals. It is widely held that by neutralising these free radicals and repairing damaged cells, antioxidants can boost the immune system, prevent disease and slow down the ageing process.
I was told lay down on the floor using the towel to separate myself from the hot floor. We lay down with a wooden block as comfort my head and relax on it for about 30-40 minutes. I was starting to sweat like non-stop all over my body during the treatment. My friend complaining that she is not sweating at all and getting worried but after 15-20mins she started sweating as well. After 40 mins, we came out of the room, seated at the hallway waiting to be cool down and looking at The Gardens shopping mall view and a girl served us a small cup of very refreshing enzyme drink. After cooling down for 20 mins or more, went shower. 
 After the therapy you will feel relaxed, rejuvenated and revitalized. Oh ya, please have a meal before heading to ecoparadise.. If not middle of the treatment you will be starving ;-).. We went Garden Lifestyle Store & Cafe @ The Garden, Midvalley for lunch before heading to ecoparadise :-)


  1. i know abt tis ..since im at kl..

  2. Thanks for good sharing. Ecoparadise acts on the simple premise – providing negative ions, which are absorbed by the body. Employing a special technique originating from Japan. For detail review, please see below link:
